Weiss Architecture Studio

Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae lorem.

Sandy City Fire Station No. 31 begins to fill out its footprint as site work and footings establish the foundation of this large, two-level 30,391 square foot station.

Sandy’s Fire District 31 is the busiest of the city’s five fire districts as it houses the heart of the city’s sports, business, commerce and affordable housing in the rapidly developing area known as the Cairns. As the Cairns grow, the fire station is fit to grow with it. Sandy Mayor Monica Zoltanski called it “future proof.”

This highly visible municipal project, which places first responders health and well-being front and center, is slated for completion in the Fall of 2025.

Link to article in the Sandy City Journal.